American Association of People with Disabilities
REV UP Candidate Forum Guide

A candidate forum is a great tool to help the disability community learn more about the candidates, while providing an opportunity to interact with them directly. Forums are a space where candidates can directly address issues that affect the disability community. They also educate the candidates and make them more aware of the issues that are important to the disability community.
This Candidate Forum Guide links to existing candidate forum guides, highlights considerations specific to forums organized by the disability community, and outlines how to engage with other candidate forums. If you organize a candidate forum for a state or local race, please keep the REV UP Campaign updated on your efforts. You can reach us at
Privacy Policy and Data Use Statement
The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and the REV UP Campaign ask our partners and advocates to complete this brief form in order to access the REV UP Candidate Forum Guide. By having our partners complete this form, the REV UP Campaign can track the number of people who access the resource, gather data on which states are getting involved, and follow-up by email to share new resources and encourage partners to share information with the REV UP Campaign.
AAPD and the REV UP Campaign will not sell or share your contact information. The data submitted through this form will only be used for measuring the impact of the REV UP Campaign and for email communications related to the REV UP Campaign including, but not limited to, updates on future resources, inquiries about voter registration events and activities, voter registration and voter pledge data collection, and other updates related to disability and voting. Individuals can unsubscribe from this list at anytime.